MMR vaccine management advice to General Practice from MoH, ADHB, and PHO
MMR Vaccine Stock: Ongoing Advice for Auckland Region
Current MMR stock in Auckland remains limited and stocks continue to be required to be reserved for priority groups only as listed below:
- Scheduled immunisations at 12 months and 4 years
- In special circumstances, based on clinical judgement, one dose MMR can be given to:
- People under 30 years of age with no recorded MMR1 with a particular focus on Pacific and Maori.
- Babies 6 to 12 months.
- MMR may not be given to anyone 30 years or older
♦ Adults aged 50 years or older (born in New Zealand or overseas before 1969)
- Not recommended to receive MMR vaccination. They are considered to be immune to measles.
- No measles vaccine was available in New Zealand until 1969 and measles is so infectious that people born before this were highly likely to be exposed.
- For those born overseas, it is fairly similar as most countries introduced a measles vaccine in the late 1960s, 1970s or later.