Based on interim advice from Ministry of Health
There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in NZ at time of uploading 2 Feb 2020.
We will update as new information becomes available.
If you’ve travelled from China and have symptoms …..
If you have and symptoms of a fever/ cough/ shortness of breath / cold or unwell and have travelled from China in past 14 days please ring reception and we will arrange a nurse or doctor to talk to you so we can organise the most appropriate medical assistance and avoid risk of infecting others in case you have coronavirus rather than some other viral illness.
If you’ve travelled from anywhere else and have symptoms….
All patients with respiratory and recent overseas travel (in the past 14 days) or exposure to someone else who travelled in that time- you should put on a surgical mask at the door to our waiting room (these are available by the door).
Necessary precautions if you have travelled from China (from Ministry of Health)
As of 2 February 2020, all travellers arriving in New Zealand out of mainland China, or any travellers who have had exposure to a confirmed case of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) will be expected to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from the time they leave mainland China or were exposed to novel coronavirus.
Existing travellers already in New Zealand who arrived or transited from mainland China after 19 January should refer to previous advice. Self-isolation for people who arrived before 2 February only applies if they have been in Wuhan City or Hubei Province.
Minimum precautions to reduce the general risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections
- Avoid close contact with people suffering from any acute respiratory infections.
- Frequent hand-washing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment.
- People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing and wash hands) and stay home if unwell.
- Adhere to standard infection prevention and control practices in primary care. All patients with respiratory infection and recent overseas travel history should be provided with a surgical mask upon entry to the facility.
Close contact definition
A case is considered as potentially infectious 48 hours prior to developing symptoms, while symptomatic and until symptom-free for 24 hours.
- Living in the same household or household-like setting (e.g. in a hostel) as a 2019-nCoV case
- Having spent two hours or longer in the same room (such as a general practice or ED waiting room) as a 2019-nCoV case
- Having been seated within 2 rows either side of a 2019-nCoV case on a flight, bus or train for two hours or longer
- Having been face-to-face within one meter or less of the case for more than 15 minutes in any other setting not listed above
More information, which is updated daily, please use the link below:-