Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) – What you need to know
Current as at: 07/02/2020
While we are still learning more about this new virus –
We do know the risk of the virus spreading in New Zealand is very low
How worried should I be?
• Your chances of catching the Covid-19 virus in New Zealand are very low.
• It is highly unlikely you will catch the virus walking down the street
• Covid-19 appears to be as infectious as the flu and the symptoms are similar – fever, cough and shortness of breath. You are only likely to catch it if you are near to someone with the virus. Most people catch the virus from someone at home, a close workmate or someone they spend time with.
• People will not be moving around the community if they are suspected or confirmed of having the virus – they will be in isolation. Their family and anyone they may have infected will also be asked to stay at home.
How serious is coronavirus?
• People are being infected, mainly in China, but only a small number of those with coronavirus have died.
• Most people have a mild to moderate illness with flu-like symptoms
• People of all ages are being infected, but older people and those with medical conditions seem most likely to get seriously ill.
How do I protect myself and my family?
Everyone should protect themselves from the virus, as you would for the ‘flu –
• Wash your hands regularly, or use hand sanitiser. This is the best way to avoid this illness.
• As with other illnesses, do not go to work or school, or see visitors if you are sick.
• Cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or clothing. Dispose of tissues in the bin and wash hands afterwards
• Avoid being near to people who are sick
• Washing your hands often and covering coughs and sneezes will do more to protect you from the virus than a mask.
• If you are sharing food, use utensils to serve the food and keep your personal spoon, fork, or chopsticks separate to avoid transmission through saliva.
What should I do if I think I could have Covid-19?
• If you start to experience mild symptoms, then stay at home and call the dedicated, national coronavirus line for advice: 0800 358 5453. Interpreters are available on request.
• If you start to experience more severe symptoms arrange to see a doctor urgently. Call ahead and mention your travel history. Difficulty breathing requires immediate medical attention and can be a sign of pneumonia.
Are you travelling?
Need to know updates on coronavirus?
Here is most useful link –
Where can I find more information?
Information is updated regularly on the Ministry of Health website Ministry of Health website